Time Management and the Crochet Obsessive

My ideal would be a parallel universe – one world in which I can crochet all hours of the day, and another running simultaneously where I meet all my other-world commitments, and of course enjoy all the precious, lovely non-crochet elements of my life! Such a universe, alas, does not exist and therefore, I find I must prioritise (sucks!).

But. How much dust is too much? I know I will never regret not having dusted more when I die haha but at the same time, one cannot run a family in chaos (well I can’t anyway). My girls are almost five and almost seven and I am a full time stay at home mum who is suddenly feeling the currents of change and finding just a little more time on her hands. My youngest will be starting school in January and I am now well out of the survival mode of the early years (which included severe depression and anxiety) and moving into a new phase.

This is very exciting but also rather daunting! My youngest is currently only at preschool three days a week during school hours so I have her with me lots still, plus of course there are a lot of hours before 9 and after 3.30! However, suddenly both girls seem to be growing less needful of me with every passing week. The demands on my time are no longer so great and there are finally more hours in my day in which I have CHOICES!? This is most novel! I am no longer fire-fighting, as we used to say in my previous life as a corporate finance analyst – rushing to put out one fire after another and barely pausing for breath. It’s fabulous! But I do find myself…drifting a little. I think, yay! I can crochet now, nobody is here wanting stuff! So I do (sometimes rather a lot), and then I do a little bit of cleaning or ironing and then I get distracted, have a quick look at gorgeous lovely crochet things on Instagram and oops it’s 3pm where did that go and OMG what have I achieved?!

Believe me I am NOT complaining – I know how blessed I am. The things is, after almost seven years of being “on” pretty much 24/7 as a full time stay at home mum of very young children with no family support network and a husband who is AWESOME but who also works long hours, I am just not used to this level of freedom. I’ve reached a point where I need to start thinking about how to structure my days, and what I want them to look like. I’ve been crocheting a LOT , particularly since I started this blog a few months ago, and it has been awesome but that parallel universe I yearn for does not exist and the time has come to plan and prioritise. I don’t want to feel guilty when I crochet. I don’t think I need to work harder – I do work very hard for my family – but I need, as they say, to work SMARTER, so that I have done all the things I need to do before I sit down with my hooks and yarn, guilt free and hooker-happy! Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion that better time management will ultimately result in more hooking time for this crochet obsessive. YES!!!


  • A little less blogging , and more defined times for doing so and for addressing correspondence related to Hooks and Hills (I’ve taken the email apps off my phone so I don’t get distracted by the ‘ping’ any more – such a time monster!).
  • Flexible but clear forward schedule in terms of crochet skills I want to learn – I am an ambitious and adventurous crocheter! – book reviews I want to write and patterns of my own that I want to work on.
  • Fixed hours on preschool days for family / family business interests paperwork.
  • Fixed hours on preschool days for home duties, and clear schedule of tasks (thank you Motivated Moms app!)
  • Fixed hours for exercise – vital and sliding a little recently  (run/walking and yoga now replace antidepressents for me).

How do you make sure you get your crochet fix? If you’re a stay at home mum, what are your best tips for managing your time? And how did you go when your youngest started school? For so long I felt like the day would never come and now it seems to be racing at me full speed and it’s a bit…confronting! 🙂


20 thoughts on “Time Management and the Crochet Obsessive

  1. iamsimplyhooked says:

    I think this post has a message for all of us who are balancing creative lives with other life priorities. I think that you are right to recognise that the trick is to fit crafting into your life in a way that you don’t need to feel guilty about it, and like you I generally do that by having fixed times to do it in. I do creep into the guilt zone sometimes, but I think that’s just a fact of life!

    Remember too that by looking after your own physical and mental health you are also looking after your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pam @hooksandhills says:

      Oh absolutely! That is so true. I am the pivot around which their world revolves, so I need to be well to look after them ❤
      I crocheted for HOURS one day last week – and bugger the schedule lol because I really, really needed it mental health-wise. It helped me soooooo much, I felt great at the end of the day and ready to face whatever the next day, and get back onto my schedule. My husband still thinks all the crochet is a bit weird (I remind him of his Oma apparently lol) but he sees how much I get out of it and how much it therefore benefits us all, and he is totally supportive of my obsession, which is so great. Down with the guilt, up with the hook! 😀


  2. brennacrocheter says:

    This is a great post! I have been a sahm for 5 years and my daughter is going to school full days this year! Which means panic for me 😜! I am looking at part time work plus mom duties and crochet duties. It’s going to be a balance, but I think the more scheduled you are the more you can accomplish. One thing about being home with the kids is that people expect your time because you’re not “at work “. Coming up with a schedule can help make more time for what you need to get done.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yolanda Chavez Sherman says:

    I am fortunate that I get to crochet at work with my students. I am fortunate that my bosses encourage me to do so (within reason of course 🙂 but when I’m home, I do it after I get home from work and after dinner. I’m so tired from running around after kids that I usually eat and plop into bed to watch my stories or listen to podcasts while I crochet before sleep. I feel no guilt when I crochet In fact, crochet saves me from guilt because I do feel guilty about watching tv so the crochet makes me feel I’m being productive.
    I’m glad you’re trying to find that balance for yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. jo creates says:

    If you ever find that alternate universe, do me a favour and let me know. I know exactly what you mean! For me, I do my crafting in front of the telly in the evening, I am sitting “doing nothing” really so why not do something creative at the same time. It also stops me eating…I started the “knitting not eating” diet a year or so back, figuring that when I’m concentrating on a crochet / knitting project I’m not munching on snacks that I dont really need!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Tami says:

    Great post Pam! My children are all grown now but I do remember being in “survival mode” for many years. Sadly I didn’t have any time to crochet much back then since I did have to work outside the home. I can relate to this post more now because now I work from home and need to make sure I stay focused enough on that to complete all of my tasks. I am lucky though that there is plenty of time for crocheting. And, without any guilt at all, I make that a priority right on top of the list along with spending time with hubby. The housework is very close to the bottom of my list. I do just enough to not be a total pig sty during the week and then a really good cleaning with each season. Lately the social media side, mostly blogging, has been taking up so much time and I realized I was spending more time reading and writing about my passion for crochet than actually crocheting! I love the crafting community but I love being outside with my hook and yarn more. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pam @hooksandhills says:

      Oh I totally get that – too easy to accidentally get consumed in the blogging and the IG which is all great of course (I love them!) but not at the expense of the actual lovely hooking, as you say. I sit here amidst a yarn explosion lol surrounded by hooks and colour and notebooks and boxes of hooky bits ahhh my happy place – time to hook soon 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. angelapoway says:

    Great post – I just wrote something similar with regards to sitting back and looking at your day and the importance of structuring your time. Great that you have seen this coming ahead of time so that as the kids are around less in the day you are ready to rock n roll with the times in the day you know that are yours to do with as you wish!! 🙂


    • Pam @hooksandhills says:

      Thanks Angela! As it turns out, since writing this post life has suddenly become busier due to increasing family business commitments, so good time management has become even more vital. I’m staying intentional in my approach, and it’s working 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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